We read about farmers in Panama and their problems with vampire

Choose a side on this issue and write a response of at  least 150 words. Write a thesis statement letting the reader know where your
position on the topic.

yeni estrada
11/21/2013 11:52:36 pm

Sallie Johnston
11/21/2013 11:52:39 pm

Hannah Horstman
11/21/2013 11:52:44 pm

Hannah Horstman
11/21/2013 11:54:38 pm

Is it important to kill the vampire bats or to keep them? I believe that the vampire bats should not be killed because the bats could help us with solving AIDS and cancers, medicines and we are the reason why they are hunting on are livestock. Vampires could hold the key to a problem to what we need to solve aids and cancers. Bat-based research has led us to development of a anti-coagulant medicines that prevent heart attacks. We are the reasons why the bats are feeding on the cattle, we are cutting down their homes. If we don’t stop cutting down the trees then more and more of the bats are going to keep attacking are cattle. The reason why they are attacking is that when we cut down the trees we are also cutting down their food sources. This is why I believe that we shouldn’t kill off the vampire bats.

henry cobb
11/22/2013 12:02:51 am

so true

Mark Daoud
11/21/2013 11:53:39 pm

Vampire Bats
For many people this subject has been a complete mess to talk about, as people tend to fight whether or not to keep bats or kill as much as you can. Vampire bats aren't even confirmed to be real yet! We still tend to argue on whether or not to kill them. There are various reasons why we should and shouldn’t kill vampire bats.
Kill the bats! Why so surprised? Bats have always been known for being a conflict to humans for many, many years, yet we aren’t sure it’s for no particular reason. Many people are disgusted by how a bat looks and how they act. Bats even sleep upside-down. The number of bats has been increasing significantly as of 2005, they have been attacking the people and we need to take a stand and kill as many as we can right now!
But wait a second. Why should we kill the bats when we aren't very sure of the reason they attack us? Stefan Klose, a research zoologist has stated “Vampire bats could hold the key to a problem we want to solve, like AIDS or cancer. But if we destroy them, they are lost for eternity” So if we kill all the bats, we’ll never get a second chance to revive them for AIDS and cancer researches.
My opinion on this discussion is that I believe bats should stay in our world as they are creatures just like any others and if they truly do attack humans then that’s just a day to day incident and we don’t truly need to destroy them for some stupid theory and attacks.

Christopher Nelson
11/21/2013 11:53:40 pm

Vampire bats should be killed off, because one: they kill off all the cattle and the farmers loose money, and go out of business. The cows die from loosing too much blood, from the vampire bat’s anti-collagen, which causes the blood to flow freely, out of the holes, which the vampire bats lap up to eat. Then the cows die from the blood loss. Not only that, but vampire bat attacks have become more frequent, due to the trees being cut down. They loose their homes, and the vampire bats must search for a new one, and they stumble upon the farms, which the vampire bats make their new home, and feats upon the money earing cattle’s flowing blood. Killing them, and the farmers loose money and profit because of the vampire bats. What option do they have? The Farmers want to kill off the vampire bats to protect their cattle, and their money.

Dylan Martin
11/21/2013 11:54:04 pm

Bats should not be killed because they are incredibly intelligent and can hold the key to a problem to solve aids or cancer. They also can prevent heart attacks. Bats are found globally except in Antarctica. Bats are also no different then dogs. If you destroy them they are lost for eternity. Bats are also don’t deserve to die. Bats are also living creatures it’s the same if you kill human. They also can be very useful.

Darwin Castaneda
11/21/2013 11:54:21 pm

Vampire bats
If a person do not kill bats is going to help to the community because doctors find a medicine with the bats’ saliva like for example medicines that prevent heart attacks, AIDS or cancer, and may be year later they can find another medicine or cure for other disease that until this day are nor find it. Helping the bats by making growth trees in their area are going to be helpful for the bats and are not going to mess with animals because now with trees bats are going to have food and a good place to live. Then people are going to be grateful with the bats because they have a lot of thing that many people can use from then even safe they life. If people kill bats other people are going to die too so my point is that if people kill bats other people is going to have an effect, like cause and effect.

11/21/2013 11:57:44 pm

One reason bats can be killed is that farmer’s battle against them for their livestock so bats add on to the list of coyote’s crocodiles, ticks, worms an many more like diseases.
Adult vampire bats have a wing span of 8 inches spread they are much bigger .they can jump down to the grown an jump on cattle suck on their blood they have saliva that contains anticoagulant that make blood flow freely some have even been killed do to anemia caused by successive bloodlettings .
But the reason for the madness is for forest works cutting down timber an drawing them out towards cattle even human pets but bat shelters have been set up in certain Ares to feed the bats and hopefully it will slow down the madness. Even though the bats did a great deal of danger but they may have answers or keys to aids or cancer but if you destroy them they are lost for eternity.

Marq Spinner
11/21/2013 11:58:28 pm

I feel that bats shouldn’t be killed. As much as they kill other animals they actually serve a purpose on earth. 70% of the bats in the world eat insects and help control pests and are vital to pollinators and seed dispersers for countless plants. So killing bats would be bad for Natural Ecosystems and human economies. One single bat could eat 600 Mosquitoes in just an hour, so with bats eating all the insects, that means fewer poisons will be used on crops and that helps all of us. Also a colony of 150 big brown bats can help farmers by eating up to 18 million or more rootworms each summer so that also saves crops from being destroyed or damaged and makes more crops available for people to buy at the market. So bats have a big job to do on Earth so I think bats should be able to live.

Mina Abdallah
11/22/2013 12:00:13 am

Vampire bat should not be killed, because vampire could hold the key to a problem we want to solve, like AIDS or cancer. But if we destroy them, they are lost for eternity. Based on the research bat led to the development of sonar and anti-coagulant medicines that prevent heart attacks, and scientists are only beginning to understand the creatures. We always have the idea about vampire bat as animals which have a wingspan of 8 inches, swoop down and land on the ground jump up on the animal’s legs and bite them. We created the problem by mistake, and we are asking for help now. We cut down 3 billion to 6 billion trees per year, so we don’t give them enough shelter to live on, and gather their food. Otherwise we will pay a lot, because we destroy their place. Vampire bat could be the key to answer a lot of question, and there is more we still did not know about it.


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